Material de Ayuda Cloud Backup M365
Primeros pasos del servicio Cloud Backup M365
Configurar y hacer restores en Cloud Backup M365
Alertas en Cloud Backup M365
- Monitorizar el servicio de Cloud Backup M365
- Revisar y resolver errores en la copia de seguridad de Cloud Backup M365
- Failed to backup webpart || Failed File is checked out by app/user || Failed Error in Exporting Webparts || This part is not exportable
- Error code [InvalidAuthenticationToken] || Team seem to be deleted as we couldn0t get the group info || Error in perfoming wiki ítems web request || Failed to get setting info for team || Error in performing site drive web request
- This file is marked as malware by Microsoft. File will be skipped from backup. || Could not download data or hash comparison failed for file || El detector de virus descubrió un problema al examinar el archivo.
- Error 500 || Maximum retry 9 attemps have been attempted || Error 503